This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner.
Place Value Grade K-2
Summary: A fun and interactive math center that will develop student's number sense.
I take quart size Ziploc bags and with a permanent magic marker, I draw a line down the middle, and I number each bag with a different LETTER sticker. I then put some 10's and 1's (base 10 blocks) into each bag. They are to move the 10's to the left side and the one's to the right side, keeping the bag closed. They never open these bags. They determine the proper amount and say it to their partner. The partner checks the key on which the letters are written and the proper answer is written. They take turns and check each other. One time I wrote the answer on the back of the letter sticker so that they could see the answer if they turned the bag over, but that was too easy to "cheat".
Submitted by: Txtchr@email-removed
Comparing Numbers Worksheets
This generator will make number comparing worksheets quick, easy and free!
Writing Numbers Grades Kindergarten
Summary: This is fun whole-class lesson that will have your students writing their numbers.
An activity I used today seemed to be enjoyed by the children who needed help writing their numbers. It involved the whole class. I had the children all line up at the blackboard. I chose a child to start the 'game' I wrote the numbers I wanted the children to practice on the top of the blackboard so each child could see. The child would whisper a number to me that he/she has chosen from the listed number and then chose a child at the blackboard to write the number. The child chosen would write the number on the board and the rest of the children would see if the number was written correctly. The child has all the time he/she needs to get the number written correctly so everyone "wins". After the chosen child writes the number, then, he/she chooses a number and selects a child to write the number. This is done until every child has had a chance to write the number and to succeed. The children didn't want to quit to go to lunch!
Submitted by: Jeanne
EMAIL us your favorite number sense lesson plan.