School Yard Birding
A great way to introduce students to birds around your school. This bird unit is designed to provide opportunity for teachers to share nature with their students in ways that promote discovery and problem solving. We will kindle students' curiosity and wonder about birds in nature and the child's responsibility toward our environment. The students will distinguish birds by color, location, and behavior. They will begin to recognize that birds are active members of our environment and can adapt to their surroundings.
Discovery Table
Summary: This is a great hands-on activity for students to explore the world of birds.
Put out an assortment of feathers and pictures of birds. Allow the children to explore the feathers. Put a shallow bowl of water for the child to see what happens to feathers when they get wet. At group time ask what they know about feathers. Build a story from their words that can be built in a pocket chart. Expect something like this:
Feathers Birds are the only animals that have feathers.
Some feathers are big.
Some feathers are small.
Some feathers have many colors.
Some have only one color.
Feathers help a bird fly. They also help keep the bird warm.
Bird Walks
This bird unit idea allows students to experience nature first hand and provides wonderful academic opportunities.
Submitted by: Txtchr@email-removed
Bird Baths
Here are two fun and easy ways to create bird baths. Fill a metal garbage can cover turned upside down for a larger bird bath.
Set it on top of four bricks on the ground, fill it with water, and watch the birds frolic! Make your own mini bath using household materials. All you need is a Frisbee. Thread string through the holes and knot. Gather the strings together and hang the Frisbee upside down from a tree branch. Fill it with water.
Submitted by: APool37253@email-removed
Bird Poems/Songs
A fun collection of poems and songs to accompany any bird unit.
Submitted by: APool37253@email-removed
Various Feathers
Try this activity to show children firsthand about the structure and uses of different types of feathers. "My model helps students learn each part of a bacterial cell and what that part's function is. Download the worksheet to walk your students through the process."
Submitted by: Jenny Keller - Cleveland, Texas
Copyright © 1999 Weekly Reader Corporation
Various Feathers
Try this activity to show children firsthand about the structure and uses of different types of feathers. "My model helps students learn each part of a bacterial cell and what that part's function is. Download the worksheet to walk your students through the process."
Submitted by: Jenny Keller - Cleveland, Texas
Copyright © 1999 Weekly Reader Corporation