Eric Carle Art

Grades: Kindergarten to 3rd Grade
Summary: This is collaborative effort between the classroom teacher and the art teacher.

Students will...
1. learn about the work of author/illustrator Eric Carle.
2. earn new painting techniques as well experiment with painting.
3. create artwork and or/a book inspired by the work of Eric Carle using the collage method.
Some students will learn to plan ahead and create a rough draft for artwork.

Day one:

Materials: smocks, 9x12 colored construction paper, tempera paints, brushes, sponges, drying rack, clothesline

Students have previously read books by Eric Carle with the classroom teacher. The art teacher prepares paint and papers for all the students. Limited colors of paint will be used at different stations.

The art teacher demonstrates painting patterns such as fur, circles etc. Also demonstrate printing with sponges and scraping into painted paper with the end of the paint brush. Wearing smocks, each student paints three 9"x12" construction papers. Brushes do not need to be washed during painting process. Remind students that it is fine for colors at the stations to mix on the papers, but try to keep palettes of paint clean.

Day two:

Materials: pencil, newsprint paper, painted papers from previous lesson, scissors, glue sticks, paper to be used as pages.

Students plan the illustration they will later create with the painted papers. Use pencil on newsprint paper. (Size depends on desired finished product.)

Students refer to the rough draft to guide them in drawing and cutting out the fashion." When the illustration is placed together the student will use a glue
stick to glue pieces down.
text is added.

Follow up:
if the illustrations are to be combined into a book the pages will be laminated and bound by a teacher. If the art isn't to b bound, each collage should be laminated.

Students will read the book to art teacher and classroom teacher. During art period: Students will read and create a piece of artwork inspired by Eric Carle's The Very Busy Spider.

Lesson developed by art teacher Mrs. Mcbride MAC1@email-removed
Two first grade teachers: maloneys@email-removed, APool37253@email-removed
Submitted by: APool37253@email-removed

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