World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Finger Painting Activities

Here are several ideas that use finger paint as the creative medium. If you do one of these activities, please 'snap' a quick picture and send it to us!

Finger Paint a Movie

Grades: All
Lesson Plan Objectives: Development of the creative process in creating a movie and development of fine motor skills.

Finger Paining ActivitiesMaterials Needed: Liquid laundry starch, powdered poster paint, glossy paper, newsprint or old newspapers, sponges and papertowels, source of water for cleanup (bucket or sink).

Lesson Procedure: Pour a small pool of liquid laundry starch in the middle of some glossy paper. Add some powdered poster paint. Experiment with the amounts of each, mixing with your fingers, a until the paint is thick but still runny. Paint with your fingers, fingernails, knuckles, and palms. Make a movie with your fingerpaint: work up a design for scene l; smear it away with your hands and work up a new design for scene 2; continue to the end of the show.
Submitted by: Jennifer

The Teacher's Corner Resources Finger Paint with Topic Grades: All
Lesson Summary: Activity using finger paints and cutout pictures to make a fun collage.
Submitted by: Jennifer

The Teacher's Corner Resources Finger Painted Wrapping Paper Grades: All
Lesson Summary: Make custom wrapping paper to wrap gift in using finger painting techniques.
Submitted by: Jennifer

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