Here are several ideas that use finger paint as the creative medium. If you do one of these activities, please 'snap' a quick picture and send it to us!
Grades: All
Lesson Plan Objectives: Development of the creative process in creating a movie and development of fine motor skills.
Materials Needed: Liquid laundry starch, powdered poster paint, glossy paper, newsprint or old newspapers, sponges and papertowels, source of water for cleanup (bucket or sink).
Lesson Procedure: Pour a small pool of liquid laundry starch in the middle of some glossy paper. Add some powdered poster paint. Experiment with the amounts of each, mixing with your fingers, a until the paint is thick but still runny. Paint with your fingers, fingernails, knuckles, and palms. Make a movie with your fingerpaint: work up a design for scene l; smear it away with your hands and work up a new design for scene 2; continue to the end of the show.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Finger Paint with Topic Grades: All
Lesson Summary: Activity using finger paints and cutout pictures to make a fun collage.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Finger Painted Wrapping Paper Grades: All
Lesson Summary: Make custom wrapping paper to wrap gift in using finger painting techniques.
Submitted by: Jennifer
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