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Color Coding & Magnets
Summary: A creative idea for incorporating magnets and a color coding system into your wall.
I used 26 large pieces of white tag board and glued the letter in red at the top and then laminated each card. I added magnetic strips to the back and I attach them to my wall which is a black board from ceiling to floor. I attach at the top and just tape the five words each week. In years past I have used neon colored tag board - different colors - to create the words. This year I will only use two colors. One color for all the words that can be used to create other words with ex. day - pay, say... and the words that are just high frequency words will be one other color - Pat Cunningham uses the word wall all during the year to do activities with and the children need to be able to locate the onset/rime words easily. You could put a star beside them or back them with another color, etc. When I type my words this year I will print them on tag.
Colored Cards
Keep yourself organized and give helpful hints to your students. I write my own word wall cards and use those as part of our reading series. I write the words on colored construction paper and use different colors. Then when giving hints, you can say it's a yellow word, etc. It's not hard and that way you have the printing the way you want it.
Submitted by: Judy Nha321@email-removed
Summary: Put the computer to good work for your word wall.
I choose my own Word Wall Words. I type them on the computer, cut them out by their shapes (configuration), then I paste them on rectangular pieces of colored construction paper, just a little larger than the word on the white paper. I like to refer to them by the "second blue word under b", etc. The font I use is Moderne (notice the e on the end, size127). I prefer this font because it makes the a with a circle and a straight line like we use with Zaner Bloser. (I didn't have that particular font until I loaded Print Shop Deluxe.) I prefer to pick my own words so I can be sure to include words that First Graders are supposed to know by the end of the year. (We do not use a basal reading book.) Although I like that font because it is close to Zaner Bloser, I don't necessarily think that you should have to use the same writing style for your Word Wall Words that you are having for your formal handwriting lessons, particularly if you're using the D'Nealian method for handwriting.
Submitted by: MARUSHLEW@email-removed
High School Ideas
Summary: Here are some suggestions for older students.
I teach high school Reading and have used a word wall in my classroom. I have had to make some adjustments to the traditional method of using a word wall because of the ages and interest levels of my students. I have each student come up with or choose their own word and then they create a visual representation of the meaning of each word using the letters for that word. For example, the word bounce looks like it's bouncing, the word impact is crashing into a wall, etc... I have found that this is an excellent hands-on way to teach new words to older students. It gives them the spelling and the meaning of the word all at once and has helped quicken the transition of the new words into long term memory. The kids love doing the hands-on art work and seeing what others have created. Each word is created on a half sheet of regular copy paper and by the end of the school year I usually have over 2000 words all over my classroom.
Submitted by:Unknown
Moveable Word Wall
Teach in a year-round school or just want a wall that you can move? Check out this idea. I put my word wall on the back of a rolling cabinet. I'm year round (have to move frequently) I numbered each word, which I put on colored index cards, and put a corresponding number on the colored sheet of heavy paper that is on the cabinet. I also put Velcro on the back of each word card, so the children can take it off and take the word back to their seats and use it and then put it back on the board. The children really used the words this way.
Submitted by: Judy JColl0211@email-removed
Don't want to give up bulletin board space? Here's an idea. I hang my word wall over the front blackboard. It's high, but I do have room for the whole alphabet going across. I need to stand on a desk when I add new words, but I can use it to point to a word with my yardstick. It has worked well for me, as I do not want to give up bulletin board space.
Personal Dictionary
Here is a great addition to any word wall program. As soon as I introduce a word for my wall, I have each child pull out their personal dictionary and add it to their dictionary. By the end of the year, students are not only learning dictionary skills, but utilizing word wall words. It teaches them to use resources available to them. They may either look on the wall, or, use their word wall dictionary. Different strokes for different folks (we all learn differently).
Submitted by: HESINGTON@email-removed
Rolodex & Color Coding
Summary: Here is a great idea to help students learn words.
Here are a couple of ideas I've picked up. Last year, I typed up a list of words for each letter. Some letters like I and J were combined on one sheet of paper. I used large font and got about 30 words on a page. I mounted them on different colored 12x18 paper and then put them up. The kids were able to look up a variety of words from the first day. The problem was, it took up one whole wall ( at least I didn't have to change it monthly), and no seasonal words were there. One of the teachers last year suggested having a word basket. Print seasonal words out and back them on colored paper. Laminate. Then when the kids are writing, they can take one of sheets back to their desks to look up the words. Another good idea was putting the cards on a Rolodex. Put the word and a small picture. This can grow. I thought it would be easier for the kids to use this than a dictionary.
Submitted by: Marti Calders9@email-removed
Small Space Solution
Here's some advice for those of you who don't have a lot of space to devote to a word wall. I do not have any large wall areas in my room. Although my room is quite big there are only long very narrow areas on walls and closet doors to hang up words. I have collected words (15 yr. collection) that 1st graders use most often. These words become our spelling words each week. I introduce 1 new word. Mon- Thurs and on Fri. we have a spelling test with sentence dictation too. Of course, at the end of Sept. the sentences are like "Ben will go to the park". I present the new word from a "magic door" each day and the kids enjoy that.
Submitted by: Flashete@email-removed
Student Names
A fun idea for any class word wall. I bought the Word Wall Plus. I already put all the kids names under each letter. I thought it would be fun for them to see their names up there. I'll probably add about 5 sight words a week. They will all have their own word books that they will write all the words in. I am also planning on playing name bingo this first week with all of their names.
Submitted by: Sonia Sony533@email-removed
Here is a helpful word wall tip for using velcro. I use adhesive velcro to put my words up on the bulletin board. In this way, the students can take the word down when needed. It is also easy to use the word wall to practice putting words in alphabetical order under the specific letter chosen.
Submitted by: BGCork@email-removed
Words of Paint Sticks
Here is a clever and hands-on activity for your students. While attending a reading workshop, we were given the idea of putting our word walls on paint sticks, you know, the ones you can get at any hardware store when you buy paint. I put common words on them and put them in a can. Whenever my students need help with a word, they just go get the stick the need.
Submitted by: Cami qchrisw@email-removed
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