World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Alliteration Lesson Plan

Grades: Intermediate
Summary: This lesson teaches the student how to write with alliteration, repeating the same letter sound at the beginning of two or more words in a sentence. It also is a review of adjectives and adverbs.

3rd grade-Writing: Include descriptive details that elaborate the central idea.
4th grade-Writing: Utilize elements of style, including word choice and sentence variation. Incorporate adjectives and adverbs.
5th grade-Writing: Use precise and descriptive vocabulary to create tone and voice. Reading: Describe how an author’s choice of vocabulary and style contributes to the quality and enjoyment of selections.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This lesson teaches the student how to write with alliteration, repeating the same letter sound at the beginning of two or more words in a sentence. It also is a review of adjectives and adverbs.

OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to understand the meaning of alliteration and will be able to write a sentence repeating the same letter sound at the beginning of most words in a sentence. He/she will use many adjectives, adverbs and vivid verbs to lengthen the alliteration.

MATERIALS NEEDED: Thank You for the Thistle, by Dorie Thurston found at, blank white paper, dictionaries

LESSON PLAN: Tell the class that you are going to read a story that uses a certain style of writing called alliteration. Explain that alliteration means that the same letter sound will be repeated at the beginning of several words in a sentence. Read Thank-You for the Thistle to the class telling them to listen to the letter sounds they hear at the beginning of each word. Read a short selection and ask which letter sound they hear being repeated. After reading the story, tell the class that they are going to write a sentence with alliteration as a group. Put up the word “cat” on the board and ask the students to think of an adjective that begins with the “k” sound. Something that describes the cat that begins with a “c “or “k”, but not the “ch” letter combination because it does not have the “k” sound. (Crazy, cool, calico, cute) Then ask them to think of a verb that begins with the “k” sound. What does the cat do? (Caught, climbed, crawled) Now how did the cat do it? Think !
of an adverb that begins with the letter sound “k.” (Carefully, carelessly, cautiously) Where did he do it or what did he catch? Continue until a nice sentence is written on the board. Pick another subject and write another sentence together. Have them write sentences on their own and then share them with the class. Tell them to watch out for certain letter combinations that do not make the same sound such as the “kn” combination for the “k” sound or “th” combination for the “t” sound.

ASSESSMENT: Tell the class that they are going to write an alphabet book. They are going to draw a large letter that you assign them. Write a sentence using that letter and draw a picture depicting that sentence. They may use dictionaries to help them think of words to use since all the words beginning with the same letter are categorized together.

SPEECH PRACTICE: If they practice saying their sentences out loud, they will strengthen their lip and tongue muscles which will improve speech and delivery in a fun way!
Submitted by: Dorie Thurston

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