This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner.
Publishing Station
Students love to publish their own writing. Providing them with a variety of publishing options is important. You can do this by setting them up for success with a Publishing Station in your classroom.
Captions Grades 3-6
Summary: A fun and interactive lesson that you can always have on hand with just a little preparation.
Here is a little idea that may be a life-saver for you if you need a quick lesson. Have a lesson plan 'ready' and waiting on captions. Now that it is nearly the end of the calendar year, save any old calendars that you have and tear them apart. Have them ready to use if you should need them in a short notice.
Characterization Grades 4-8
A fun activity using The Hundred Acre Wood. The Hundred Acre Wood is a great place to learn characterization. We have many characters that are very much like ourselves. Ask the kids to pick a Pooh character that is most like them and compare and contrast. They learn a lot about characterization and a lot about themselves.
Submitted by: Audra Young flirtatiousglanc@email-removed
Creating a Memory Book Grades 3-6
Summary: Develop language skills by creating a keepsake.
Each year my students learn to communicate, use correct grammar, develop writing skills and make a memory book by writing a letter to parents every Friday. Students carry their letter home for parents' signature and return them for filing. Parents are informed of the work we are doing. At the end of the year we compile the letters in order by date and design a cover. The books show the growth of the students in handwriting, sentence formation, paragraphing, mechanics. As a review of the week, we brainstorm all of the activities and I write sentences and/or phrases on the board. At this time, I (or students) tell the rules for using capitals, verb agreement, etc. as appropriate. Then students write, proof and edit, and then ask another student to read and proof/edit. I also read the letters with individuals and teach mini-grammar lessons, concentrating on one or two areas ONLY where the student can improve. I have used this procedure for several years and the parents think it is wonderful. Parents whose children are now grown tell me that they still have the book and that they treasure it.
Submitted by: Sue Buzby , a third grade teacher at King George Elementary School in King George, Virginia. This idea was featured in the NEA Weekly Tip Newsletter.
A Celebration of Women Writers Grades Any
A web site that recognizes the contributions of women writers throughout history.
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