Grades: Kindergarten to 3rd Grade
Summary: A simple awareness activity that can help younger students understand the relationship between their community and the world.
Younger students can have a difficult time understanding the relationship between their own community and the world. This is a simple activity that will help them better understand this relationship. Prior to students beginning their work, you will want to have maps of your country and state. Use our free printable maps to help you and your students throughout this lesson.
Provide students with the four, different sized circles (here is a PDF template for the circles). All of the writing needs to be done along the bottom of each circle. (You'll notice in the photo that once the circles are done, they are fastened together and each written portion can be seen at the same time.)
Once students have all four circles complete, you will want to use a brad fastener to put them all together. One option for displaying students work is to create a world map and mount students' work around that. To create this map you can provide students with a model and then allow them to free-hand the map.
Submitted by: Jennifer