Grades: Early Elementary
Summary: Learn about a great food and the person responsible for so many apple trees... Johnny Appleseed.
Some great activities to include in the unit.
1. Taste and graph favorite apple, red, yellow or green?
2. Make applesauce in a crock pot in the room and let the students see how the apple change from solid to mush to liquid.
3. Read about Johnny Appleseed. (see books below) Video?
4. Read Season's of Johnny's Apple Tree and sequence pictures of apple trees.
5. Make an accordion fold Apple book. We do it with apple die cutter (we fold paper accordion style before cutting), and then put a number 1-5 on each page and have students glue apple seeds or make fingerprint seeds to correspond with the numeral.
6. Make a "worm" book with an apple on each page and then the words "The worm is ____ the apple." (Over, under, on top of, under, etc. . . ) Read sentence to students and have them glue paper worm in correct position.
7. Read the story of the "Little House with the Star in the Middle". This is a good way to introduce the unit.
8. Set an apple in the window (on a cookie sheet) and have students observe how the apple changes. You can do a beginning science journal where the students draw the changes they see.
9. Make apple prints by dipping apples that have been sliced in half (either way) in paint and printing on paper. You can make patterns.
10. We trace a large red apple and a white center for it and a leaf and the students cut and assemble. Then they can glue the seeds from their apple on it.
11. Make a center game by putting trees on a page with numbers on each trunk and supply small apple erasers or red spray painted lima beans for students to place on the trees. You can also have them record their work by coloring apples on a prepared sheet.
12. There is always The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein If you want any additional information about these activities, let me know.
Submitted by: Rebecca Becca2001@email-removed