World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Mealworm Science Activities

Grades: Various
Summary: Mealworms can be an easy and fun way for students to learn about life cycles. There are a number of experiments that your students can conduct in order to better understand the mealworm.

Use the various experiment sheets below as you see best with your students. We have provided a few suggestions.

Mealworm Science Project Worksheets

Observing Mealworms & Mealworm Observations (On the Table)

  • Use these as the introduction to this unit.
  • Students will be using actual mealworms, along with various print/online resources to complete the pages.

For the remainder of the worksheets, they can be completed in any order you would like.

Moisture Preferences of Mealworms

  • Be sure that students understand the procedure for this experiment prior to them making their predictions.
  • Ensure that groups of students are using the same wetness for each towel type.

Light Preferences of Mealworms

  • Be sure that students understand the procedure for this experiment prior to them making their predictions.
  • Discuss with students how they plan to provide the different levels of light for the mealworms.

Temperature Preferences of Mealworms

  • Be sure that students understand the procedure for this experiment prior to them making their predictions.
  • Discuss with students how they plan to provide the different levels of temperature for the mealworms.

Observing Mealworms & Mealworm Observations (In their Habitat):

  • During their initial work, ensure that students have learned about a mealworm “habitat” that they can recreate in their classroom.

Life Science Back to the Life Science Lessons

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