Grades: Various
Summary: A book report activity using ComicLife software.
For this book report activity, students utilized a software program called ComicLife. (ComicLife is available for PC, Mac and iPad. If you don't have this particular program, you can use any type of similar program that allows you to combine text and images.)
Prior to beginning this project with students, you will want to plan out the required literary elements that students should include in their report. (ie: title, author, problem, solution, etc.) You will also want to work with students to create a rubric for the project. One free resource that you may want to utilize is Rubistar: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/ Students are then ready to begin writing their book report.
Once students have their report written, you will want to walk them through how to use ComicLife. When I work with students on this type of project I like to have them create a quick and simple plan on how they want their page layed out. I also like to have them publish the written portion of their report first and then move on to images.
When it comes to images, you have a few options:
Finally, within ComicLife students can add some pizazz by choosing a title style that enhances their work. After students have their report done and prior to printing, you will want to help them with one final edit. Once printed, you will want to display students' work for others to read. Something to consider once you are done displaying the work is to three-hole punch the papers and place them in a notebook for use in your classroom.
Submitted by: Jennifer