Grades: Kindergarten to 1st Grade
Summary: Lessons dealing with I Went Walking, Rain and the Five Little Ducks.
We have read I Went Walking, Rain and the Five Little Ducks! The children are so excited that they are able to read the books from front cover to back. I introduced them to their Journal writing response booklets. They each have a copy of the book to select a page. The first day, they wrote about an animal they saw in the story and wrote something like this:
They drew a picture of their black cat.
I saw a black cat.
Looking at me.
Music teacher came in the room together we did the following:
Integrated Music Plan for Grade 1
I Went Walking
1. Display the book "I Went Walking" and tell students. "I understand that you are beginning to read in the first grade. Are you excited?
2.Who knows the name of the story you are reading?
3.Today we are going to do something a little different with the words of the story. We are going to sing them.
4. Remember our huge secret last year? We are going to see if we can keep a steady beat. 1,2, ready patch. Very Good.
5. Students echo the chant. I Went Walking. What did you see? I saw a black cat. Looking at me. I Went Walking. What did you see? I saw a brown horse .Looking at me. I Went Walking. What did you see? I saw a red cow. Looking at me. I Went Walking. What did you see? I saw a green duck. Looking at me. I Went Walking. What did you see? I saw a pink pig. Looking at me. I Went Walking. What did you see? I saw a Yellow dog. looking at me. I Went Walking. What did you see? I saw a lot of animals. Following me.
Students echo as hear song to the tune of "Frere Jacques" _________________________________
Next day she taught them a Rain Song. Ame Ame
In writing response kids decide where the rain fell
Rain on Purple flowers and then draw the picture ________________________________
Five Little Ducks
Read the story and sing the song.(Raffi)
Then act out while children sing.
Choose pairs of kids to act out the Lines.
Kids enjoy the movement .
We did the poem Two Little Dickey birds
Two little Dickey birds
Sitting on a wall
One named Peter and the other named Paul.
Fly away Peter
Fly away Paul
Come back Peter
Come back Paul
Alphabet-the music teacher made a singing alphabet song with the sounds of each letter. She points to the A a and then the apple. She took my laser pointer and pointed to the sound "a" "a apple". "b","b ball" and continue to "Z", "Z zoo"
Submitted by: APool3725@email-removed