This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner.
Classroom Rummage Sales Grades 3+
Summary: A fun and creative way to help students add money and make change.
Many students need practice with money and making change, so I started having classroom rummage sales each year. The kids brought their old toys, books, etc. to sell to their classmates. Each item was marked for less than $1.00. The kids used their desks to set up for the rummage sales. I suggested that the kids bring a small baggie of coins for making purchases. Students who didn't bring items were 'hired' to watch a rummage sale desk while the seller did some shopping. The kids really enjoyed this activity, and they usually asked to do it again. It only took about 30-45 minutes so we did two or three sales per year, right before vacations when they needed some 'new' toys and books!" (Worker bee note: Students might be asked to give a percentage of their earnings to a class identified charity - a good lesson in recycling, operating costs, and giving!)
Submitted by: Debby Dundas ddundas@email-removed, a sixth grade math teacher at Winnebago Elementary School in Minnesota. This idea was featured in an NEA Weekly Tip Newsletter.
Marketocracy Marketeach - Investing, Stock Market Grades 5-6
(This is a sample lesson in PDF format. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.)
In-class materials and a website enable students to learn about and get hands on practice in investing. A CD provides background info, lesson plans, worksheets, overhead masters, glossary, and answer keys. Topics range from defining a stock, calculations involving stock transactions, and trading in a virtual portfolio on the Marketocracy website (www.marketocracy.com -Sorry! This website has since shut down). Lesson plans are free and require only a registration to obtain.
Money Ladder
This activity can be used as a cooperative learning math station: Create a large ladder on the floor using masking tape. The ladder should have at least 11 rungs. Each rung should have a different question written on it. The students answer the problems by putting the right amount of money in the space above the rung, which had the question listed on it. They then work their way up the ladder one step at a time. The questions also should get harder as they get higher up on the ladder.
Submitted by: Eric Waara ewaara@email-removed
Money Worksheets
Use our Money Worksheet Generators to whip out some printable money worksheets quickly. Choose from several currencies.
Real Math Using Book Order Forms Grade 3-6
Summary: Use those extra book order forms for this lesson that helps make using money more concrete.
Materials: old book order forms, calculators (for checking)
Description: Don't throw away all of those extra copies of Troll, Scholastic, and Lucky Book Order forms! They make great springboards for math lessons.
1. Make a list of questions for students to answer. (*If I order 2 Goosebumps books, how much will it cost? *If I order the Clifford book, the dog poster, and the Garfield book, how much will I spend? *If your mom gives you $10.00 and you order the Babysitters Club book pack, how much change will you get back?)
2. Give students a $20.00 spending limit and ask them to fill in their "dream order". Students should correctly fill out the order form and correctly add the total. Students can swap with a partner and check each other's order with a calculator.
3. Ask students to select three items from the order form and estimate by rounding the approximate total cost.
4. Have students create their own word problems. (Spelling, complete sentences, and correct punctuation count.) Swap papers and answer your partner's questions. Swap again and check answers.
Submitted by: Carla Clayton
Money Thematic Units Grades Various
On this page you will find our thematic unit on Money.
"Smart" by Shel Silverstein Grade 3-6
Summary: Students will reason and logically come to understand the value of money.
Materials Needed: A copy of the poem, ‘Smart’ from Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein, Play or real coins for students to use as manipulatives
1. Teacher and students do shared readings of the poem.
2. Teacher reads poem aloud again, a stanza at a time. Students determine the amount of money the boy in the poem has by acting out the "swap" described in the poem with coin manipulatives and comparing the amounts.
3. Students draw and write the amount for each transaction.
4. Students respond to the following questions:
How did the dad really feel about his son at the end of the poem?
Who was the real fool in the poem? Why?
Why do you think the poem is called Smart?
Submitted by: Lynn Jankura - Parker, Colorado
Social Studies Grades Various
This page has additional Economics & Money resources.
Fundamental Facts About U.S. Money
Students can learn the ins and outs of how our country's money is made, circulated, and more!
Money: Kids and Cash
This site offers teachers a program overview for a video they can purchase. "Use Money: Kids & Cash to introduce the concepts of earning and saving money and to illustrate the basic principles of banking."
Practical Money Skills for Life Grades All
These lesson plans demonstrate in a meaningful and hands-on way the skills necessary to use and manage money and credit. There is also interactive content geared for parents and students, including a Quiz Show, calculators and other family-oriented games.
U.S. Treasury
Find great educational links...everything from lesson plans to paper money to additional web sites.
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