Grades: 1st to 2nd Grade
Summary: After singing the 'Ants Go Marching' and discussing the rules of doubling, students will be able to create their own math sentence, through the use of symmetry, that accurately displays doubling.
Grade Level/Age: First
Content Area: Mathematics
Topic: Doubling MI Foci Musical, Visual Spatial, Logical/Mathematical
# of State Curriculum Standard and the Specific Proficiency Standard Addressed:
1a. K-12 Broad Goal: Students will use problem-solving strategies to investigate and understand increasingly complex mathematical content.
? Make up problems based on everyday experiences.
? Solve problems using a variety of strategies (for example: make a list, draw a picture, or guess and check).
3b. K-12 Broad Goal: Students will understand the concepts of number operations.
Rationale: The students are learning about addition. They already know what the addition is and they are able to compute simple math problems. Therefore most of the children should already understand the two signs that are used in addition the plus sign and the equals sign. Students need to be able to recognize different rules in addition. Doubling is a rule that will allow for the children to do math quicker and more efficiently.
Objective(s): After singing the "Ants Go Marching" and discussing the rules of doubling, students will be able to create their own math sentence, through the use of symmetry, that accurately displays doubling.
Assessment: The students are making an ant that will be able to show their understanding of the concept. They will have written their own math sentence. The students will be able to repeat this process many times during the use of stations and a worksheet that they will do another day (this worksheet will make a good addition to a students portfolio).
Step-by-Step Procedure:
Introducing: I will have the children gather on the round of the rug. (The round of the rug is a term in which the children understand, it is used in their classroom daily). Next I will teach them the variation of "The Ants Go Marching" (which will already be on the overhead projector), that we will be singing in class today. As the verses get past 3, I will leave blanks where the rest of the total of number of ants goes in each verse and I will ask the children to fill in the blanks. Then we will begin singing the song. I will then draw two ants-on-sticks out (these are items that I created so that the children could be paired by chance), those two children will start the march around the round of the rug. After each verse I will add two more students. Until all the students have gone. I will ask the students to sit back on the rug in theater style facing the chart paperboard. I will now tell the children that they just learned about doubling. I will explain to them that doubling is when you add the same number to itself. I will also tell them that the sum is always even. (These rules will be displayed on chart paper). Along with a list of the math problems that they just did in the song (the doubling of 1 to 6).
Exploring: Then children will return to their seats. I will dismiss the children by two's and have them march back to their seats. Standing in front of the class I will demonstrate how to picture doubles. I will place two dots of paint on my ant template and fold the paper in half (along the pre-made fold). I will ask the children, "How many dots do you think the ant will have now?" After taking their suggestions I will show them the ant. Before passing out the materials I will explain to the children that we are doing a group activity. Some students may finish faster than other students may but we will wait to go on to the next step when everybody is ready. I will than pass out the attached ant template. Each child will have paint supplies, which include a small pie pan of paint, per group of tables and a Q-tip for each child. The paper passer outers will hand out the ant templates and the Q-tips. (Each group can have one color of paint). I will then tell the children that they can put one to six dots on the ant. When everyone has finished placing the dots on their paper I will ask the children to fold their paper in half along the same fold that is already there. (I will ask the classroom teacher and the aide to help me with the children who don't get it). Because this is a group activity I will have the children follow at my pace.
Extensions one: As the children finish their pictures I will have them separate into stations. The stations will be as follows:
1. (Back table) I will allow the students to build their own doubling trains. I will leave a tub of unfix cubes on the back table and ask the children to show me in words and with the unfix cubes the six doubling sentences that we learned today. I will supply the paper and the pencils. I will leave the rules and paper with the problems on display on the chart paperboard. I will leave picture directions that can go along with the activity so that the children will understand what to do. Verbal directions that can be explained before the kid split up are as follows: At the back table there is a tub with unfix cubes in it. I would like for you to make doubles trains. I would like you to make six different trains and color in the unfix cubes on the paper in the tub to show me the train that you created.
2. (Round rug) In one section of the rug I will have the big pair, and a couple pairs of small die that the children can play a game with. I will have a class list on a clipboard there so that each child can tally the number of times that they roll doubles. I will also leave pencils there. There will be picture directions here too. Verbal directions that can be explained before the kids split up are: Roll the die and every time you roll doubles mark a x in the box next to your name.
3. (Round rug) I will have a bunch of domino's out. I will ask the children to show me the doubles with the dominoes. I will ask the children to fill in the six boxes on the paper to show me what doubles they found. If there are two students there they may work in pairs. Picture directions will be here too. Verbal directions: I will tell the children that some dominoes have doubles and some don't. I would like you to find the dominoes with doubles and draw them in the worksheet that are in the tub.
Extension two: I will also leave Mrs. Symond's with the work sheet that is attached to this LEP, so that she can refresh the students with it another day. The directions will be included on the worksheet.
Summarizing: After the paint dries I will have the children write the number sentence on the bottom of their ant. All they will have to do is add the numbers and fill in the blanks. I will ask the children to bring their paintings to the back round table so that the pictures can dry. I will go around to each group of students with a paper cup to collect the dirty Q-tips. I will collect the paint plates and take care of them after the activity is through. When all the students are finished I will ask them if they have any questions about what doubling is. I will then ask the students to tell me what they can about doubling. I will then display the children's work on a bulletin board. I will also have the stations set up while the kids are finishing their paintings; I will ask the aide if she would help me to do this, by placing the tubs out on the back table and the rug. When all the students are done I will explain each of the stations verbally, I will ask if they have any questions. I will then split them up into three groups and allow them to go to the stations. I will walk around to help all the students at the stations.
Anticipated Length of Learning Experience: 45 minutes
Student Grouping: (Circle as apply:) Whole Group Small Group Individual Other
Materials Needed for Learning Experience:
By Teacher: Pre made ants-on-sticks, ant templates, chart paper, markers, unfix cubes, big and small die, class list on a clipboard, pencils, papers that are attached, small pie tins, paper cup, overhead projector, transparencies, erasable markers, and dominoes.
By Child: Morning meeting rug, paint, Q-tips, ant page, and a pencil.
Management Considerations: When I have the kids sit on the round of the rug I will have them push out to the green rug so that the center circle is bigger. This will allow for the children to march inside and not be cramped. I will also make sure that each child is able to march before the lesson begins. I will also ask the teacher if the children have worked with paints this year and see if they need to be reminded of the rules that go along with painting. After Talking to Mrs. Symond's she told me that her students understand the rules of working with paint but to remind them that they have worked with paint in class and in art class. She said to have them roll up their sleeves, and to remind them to be careful not to get the paint all over themselves. I will collect the used Q-tips and the paint tins after the students have finished.
Inclusion Considerations: The students may have trouble understanding the concept of unfolding the ant template and folding it in half along the pre made fold, so I will ask the classroom teacher and the aide to help me to assist the students with this process. I will also have the children who are having difficulty adding the dots to use a tally. This should help because they use this everyday in calendar.
Reflection on Implementation of LEP: I thought that overall the entire lesson went great. The kids responded well to me and the activity that I put in front of them. My first hurdle to jump was when I was teaching the students, was when the words in my song had a small tongue twister. The last sentence in each verse stated "And then 2 in all go marching on again." The problem is that the kids were used to saying "And 2 go marching, marching on again." Mrs. Symond's Told me after that I could have told the children that this was the way we were going to sing it today. I handled it by asking the children how they thought that they would change it. Together we came up with a solution, and it worked out great. When I had the children sing and march I had to stop them a few times to get them to march side by side. For some reason they wanted to march in a straight line. I wanted them to march in pairs because it would help to show the doubles. When I told the children that they were doing doubles and they didn't even know it they seemed to be amazed with themselves. This was a neat thing to see. When I sent the kids back to their seats I did this part of the activity as a group. This worked well because they do this a lot in the classroom, therefore they listened to me and followed the directions. There was one problem though the two younger children in the class were using their dots as finger paints. But believe it or not it still worked when they opened up the fold. I was also surprised to see that when the kids put the dots on both sides of the fold it still worked. All in all I think that the lesson went well. I have included my teacher's comments to this lesson plan because I think that they bring out the good parts in my lesson. I really liked the way my lesson went. I got to hang up the kid's work and every time someone walks in the room they comment on them. Another upside is that they really understood the concept that I was teaching them. They have been able to answer all the questions that I asked them about Doubles.
"The Ants Go Marching"
The ants go marching 1 and 1, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching 1 and 1, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching 1 and 1, The little one stops to suck his thumb.
And then 2 go marching, marching on again.
The ants go marching 2 and 2, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching 2 and 2, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching 2 and 2, The little one stops to tie her shoe
And then 4 go marching, marching on again
The ants go marching 3 and 3, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching 3 and 3, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching 3 and 3, The little one stops to chase a bee.
And then 6 go marching, marching on again.
The ants go marching 4 and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, The little one stops to eat some more.
And then ___ go marching, marching on again.
The ants go marching 5 and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, The little one stops to look at the hive.
And then ___ go marching, marching on again.
The ants go marching 6 and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, The little one stops to pick up a stick.
And then ___ go marching, marching on again.
The ants go marching 7 and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, The little one stops to look up at heaven.
And then ___ go marching, marching on again.
The ants go marching 8 and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, Hurrah-Hurrah
The ants go marching ___ and ___, The little one stops to shut the gate.
And then ___ go marching, marching on again.
Submitted by: Kate Bradley RWLABUSER@email-removed